


  • Possibility of incorporating accessories, RFID reader, barcodes and QR codes among others available.
  • Payment by credit card and cash.
  • Recycling of coins and bills.
  • Immediate detection of suspicious bills and coins.
  • 32-inch touch screens, large format to guide the user, they can interact and move freely between different products and/or services.
  • It works automatically and uninterrupted from the moment the business opens until it closes.
  • It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Column design to take advantage of space.
  • Optimization in cash closing.


  • Process optimization.
  • Increases the flow of people at your points of sale.
  • Generates more business opportunities.
  • Friendly equipment, easy-to-use touch screen.
  • Faster processes.
  • Quick amortization of the investment.

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