Cash Deposit System developed in a security safe, equipped with validators of the highest acceptance rate and the highest degree of suspicious ticket detection.
With our CDM-7031 you will get a substantial improvement in the Control and administration of your daily cash sale by dramatically increasing your security and control, eliminating the losses.
Supported on a Web platform, you can monitor every transaction and / or query in real time from anywhere you have the Internet, including 3G cell phones through the "CDMCONTROL" Monitoring Control System.
It has an acceptor of tickets of 30 pieces at a time, in any of its 4 faces.
Storage capacity of 1,200 banknotes.
Additional mailbox for deposit of other securities, checks, vouchers, coins, etc.
Provide printed receipts for each operation, at the end of the shift, day of sale, etc.
This system will generate a very significant reduction in your Operating Costs, less tasks assigned to your staff, faster process, and complete control of your cash, improve corporate image of your company, less expense in the Process, and eliminates the differences that may exist with your bank.
Ideal for Department Stores, Gas Stations, Pharmacies, Entertainment Centers, etc.